I needed new pyjamas as my old black one (here and here) was literally falling apart, at least the top. The fabric got threadbare and tore around the shoulders and the cuff edges. It was time to sew a new one. I used the same pattern as last time, i.e. the ITS Henley top and […]
Maya long line bra “Frosty”

Here is the bra that I made from B’wear’s December kit “Frosty”. The design of this bra was totally inspired by the lace. The cups I started with the cups. The cups of the Maya bra consist of three pieces. Due to my small cup size, these three pieces are rather small. I was not […]
Maya Bra “Confetti”

Last November I had the pleasure to sew samples for B’wear’s December and January kits of the month. Today I will show you the bra made from the January kit called “Confetti” as this kit is still available. The kit includes a beautiful non-stretch lace, lingerie satin in light pink, pink powernet, and all notions […]
Unblogged Items 2023

Here are some more unblogged items that I made this year: Item #1: Itch to Stitch Vienna Tank Top I made another Vienna Tank top from some rayon fabric scraps. Great to wear in summer. Item #2: All You Ever Wallet by Sew-Mad I needed a lightweight wallet for my hiking tour last summer, so […]
Unblogged items 2022

I still have some unblogged items from 2022 and realized that writing a proper blog post for each is unrealistic. But as I want to keep track of all sewing projects, here is a summary: Item #1: Iconic Patterns Cargo Pants #1403 I made three versions, first a wearable muslin, a beige summer version, and […]

Last year between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, when I was slowly recovering from Covid 19, I made this little zipper bag: Charlotte from the book “Tolle Taschen selbst genäht” by Miriam Dorneman. Fabric: All fabric (scraps) were from my stash. For the main fabric I used a light denim, lining is a light cotton. […]
Primrose Dawn: Delvine bralette

The Delvine from Primrose Dawn is a high-neck bralette with bust darts, various front lace overlay options, plain and lace cradles, and three back band styles. It is designed for low-stretch knits and has six front options and three different backs. I made Front B and Back J. Fabric: I got the fabric from B’wear […]
The Lingerie Formula – It’s Not Me, It’s You collection

As soon as I saw the first pictures of the It’s not me, it’s you collection from The Lingerie Formula, I was thrilled. I do not remember how long I stalked the website until I hit the “buy” button. But finally, I did. And here is my finished collection. The collection consists of 4 pantie […]
Itch to Stitch Sentosa Tank Top

Here is another pattern that I tested for Itch to Stitch, the Sentosa Tank Top. The pattern description is : With a unique, asymmetrical neckline, the Sentosa Tank will be your go-to tank top. The Sentosa has a relaxed fit and is great to be worn tucked or untucked! Fabric The pattern calls for “lightweight […]
Madalynne Roxie Bralette

Some weeks ago I made the Roxie bralette from Madalynne. I was always unsure if I should buy this pattern or not. I finally gave in when smallbobbins had a discount when buying the pattern together with a fabric kit. Fabric All fabric is from a Roxie bralette kit from smallbobbins. As I chose the […]