My mother-in-law had asked for a clothespin bag for her birthday. I did get exact specifications: it should be square, have a lid, and be large enough. In addition, it should be possible to attach it to the clothesline. I first made a sketch with the approximate dimensions. The biggest challenge was the lid. Then on the internet, I found a very nice idea how to pull the hangers through the lid. So the lid is attached to the bag and does not get lost.

The main fabric is a blue and white striped denim, the lining is linen. The main fabric is interfaced for stability. To achieve that the bag keeps its shape at the top and the lid can be closed tightly, I have formed a kind of frame from wire, placed it under the envelope, and then stitched underneath, so that a kind of tunnel is created.

On the sides, I sewed on small pockets that I had found in my scraps box. I found this quite funny, and the bag does not look quite so boring.

I sewed around the holes where the hangers went through with a zigzag stitch so they wouldn’t fray. I had first thought I could sew a buttonhole, but my buttonhole foot was too small for that.

It was interesting to have a project where I had to figure everything out myself. I usually shy away from that. And all the nicer that it worked out and my mother-in-law was very happy.