I have read sewing blogs for some time now. They have influenced and inspired me a lot, and over time I had the wish to be part of this awesome online community. Also, I hope this blog will keep me on track with my projects as I tend to procastinate them when facing difficult steps.
I have been sewing for some years now, starting with window curtains on an old sewing machine, that was only able to sew straight stitches. I am mostly self taught, taking a sewing course here and there. However, I really came to a turning point when I saw Susan Khaljes Craftsy course “The Couture Dress”. This showed me a completely new approach to sewing, and since then I am fascinated by everything that is “Couture” and I strive to improve my sewing skills in this direction.
So, here I am with my little online space, dreaming of sewing stunning dresses, sharing with you my sewing adventures!