Guten Morgen! Ihr wartet sicher alle schon gespannt auf den Gewinner der Verlosung. Ich habe die Kommentare in chronologischer Reihenfolge nummeriert und den Zufallsgenerator entscheiden lassen: Herzlichen Glückwusch SuSe! Bitte schreib mir eine email an sewingdreams(at)wed(dot)de und lass mich wissen, welchen Schnitt aus meinem Shop Du haben möchtest. Morgen startet dann der Sew-Along.
Itch to Stitch Idyllwild Hack and Birthday Party
Hi everybody, I always wanted to make the Idyllwild Top with a V-neck instead of the scoop neck that comes with the pattern. I just like the look of V-necks better on me. So as Kennis from Itch to Stitch asked me if I would like to hack one of her patterns for her birthday […]
Itch to Stitch Jacqueline Hoodie and Giveaway

Kennis from Itch to Stitch called for pattern testers for the Jacqueline Hoodie two weeks ago, and I could not resist. This hoodie has so cute details that make it special. The hoodie has princess seams, welt pockets, decorative buttons, epaulettes and an off-center zipper. Fabric: The fabric I used was in my stash for […]
Serging, Zipper Bags and Giveaway

Before starting on sewing my casual wardrobe, I wanted to get a bit more familiar with my serger. I own it for one year now, but I did not use it often. I kind of hated the machine. I always felt that I did not have control over it and consequently was not very happy […]