Letztes Jahr habe ich entdeckt, dass es von DROPS unendlich viele kostenlose Strickmuster gibt. Eines davon ist die Strickjacke Ocean Breeze . Ich hatte sie schon letzten Sommer fertig, aber es erst letztes Wochenende geschafft, die Knöpfe anzunähen. Ich hatte Wolle in meinem Vorrat, das ich benutzen wollte, aber sie war dünner als die Wolle, die empfohlen […]
Andy Satterlund Hortencia Cardigan
This is the Hortencia Cardigan from Andi Satterlund. I chose this pattern as one of the prices for the OAL 2105. Please excuse the bad pictures, it is so hard to photograph when it is not getting light outside. Yarn: I used Big Merino Hug from Rosy Green Wool in ruby. It is a dark […]
OAL 2015 Outfit: Myrna and Vogue 8726

Today I am showing you my OAL Outfit. For those of you who do not know what the OAL was all about: It was hosted by Lladybird and Andi Satterlund and the goal was to finish a complete outfit, dress and cardigan, until end of July. The official OAL dress was McCall6887 with a sew […]
OAL Winner 2015
Hi everyone, I am so excited, I got chosen as one of the 4 random winners of the OAL 2015 that was hosted by Lladybird and Andi Satterlund. How awesome is that! This is my outfit: The dress is Vogue 8726 and the cardigan is Myrna from Andi Satterlund. I will write a full blog post […]
Have you seen my Sewing Mojo?

Most of you probably have been there before, now I have lost my sewing mojo somehow. It does not mean that I do not sew at the moment, but it does not give me the joy it should. Mainly because I had a few failures in the last time. So I lost my confidence and […]
Knitted Cardigan

I finally completed my knitted cardigan last week. I am slow with my sewing projects, but with knitting it is worse: I started with the cardigan in July. I am glad that I chose a simple pattern. It is from a German women’s magazine, Brigitte. Front and back are basically rectangles. The pattern comes in two […]